Imagine Global Edu and Migration
เตรียมตัว เรียนต่อออสเตรเลีย with Imagine Global Edu and Migration
Studying abroad is a challenge for many students, and for some it is not easy. Some people have concerns about accommodations, food, and language and cultural differences. Therefore, good planning and preparation are very important. The Imagine Global Edu and Migration team is ready to help plan and guide you when you arrive in Australia. Until being able to adapt to the environment well, and all the elders wish that every student will have the best experience. and was impressed with life studying abroad In addition, once the students arrive in Australia, there will be a Imagine Global Edu and Migration team in Australia to help coordinate. Including opening a bank account, applying for TFN, applying for ABN when you need help. Such as making an appointment to see a doctor and including planning to request PR. It is said that the team is happy to take care of you throughout the entire period from the start of consultation until becoming a citizen in Australia.


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